Postgres Operator Zalando


Please, use CloudNativePg Operator instead.

The Postgres Operator delivers easy to run PostgreSQL cluster on Kubernetes. We have deployed cluster-wide Postgres operator for easy deployment of Postgres SQL database servers. The Postgres Operator defines kind postgresql that ensures existence of databse or database cluster, full documentation on kind’s structure is available here. The official user guide to creating a minimal PostgreSQl cluster can be found here. For convenience, we provide some working examples below divided into sections. Furthermore, we added comparison of deployments that used different underlying storage.

Deploying Single Instance

You can start with minimal instance suitable for testing only, it uses NFS storage as backend and uses only limited resources, but also performance is low. You can download minimal manifest.

apiVersion: ""
kind: postgresql
  name: acid-test-cluster  ## name of our cluster
  teamId: "acid-test"
  numberOfInstances: 1     ## single instance
    zalando:               ## create user to db
    - superuser
    - createdb
    testdb: zalando        ## create db 'testdb' and add access to 'zalando' user
    version: "13"          ## deploy postgres version 13
    size: 1Gi            
    storageClass: nfs-csi  ## use nfs-csi class for backend storage
  spiloRunAsUser: 101      ## security context for db deployment
  spiloRunAsGroup: 103
  spiloFSGroup: 103
  resources:               ## give some resources
      cpu: 10m
      memory: 100Mi
      cpu: 500m
      memory: 500Mi
    initdb:                ## setup db for utf-8
      encoding: "UTF8"
      locale: "en_US.UTF-8"
      data-checksums: "true"

Issue kubectl create -f minimal-nfs-postgres-manifest.yaml -n [namespace] to run, you should see pod called acid-test-cluster1-0 (if has not been changed from the example) running in your namespace.

TBD: password for zalando user

This kind of setup is resilient to node failure — if a node running this instance fails, database is recreated on a different node, data is attached again from NFS storage and operations are resumed. On the other hand, this setup is not speed superior even if resources are added.

Deploying Cluster Instance

For better availability, cluster deployment can be used. In this case, multiple instances run in the cluster where one of them is a leader and others follow and sync data from the leader.

To deploy cluster version, you can download cluster manifest. The only difference is on line:

numberOfInstances: 3

That requests 3 node cluster.

Note: Cluster instances consume more resources and you must conside how much resources you have available. Cluster instance consumes numberOfInstances * limits of resources.

Utilizing Local Storage

It is possible to use a local storage (SSD) instead of NFS or any network-backed PVC. While it is not possible to directly request local storage in volume section, it is still possible to use local storage. You can download single instance manifest which can be used for the cluster instance as well (setting desired numberOfInstances).

  size: 1Gi
  storageClass: nfs-csi
- name: data
  mountPath: /home/postgres/pgdata/pgroot
  - all
      sizeLimit: 10Gi

You need to add the additionalVolumes that mounts to /home/postgres/pgdata/pgroot and use emptyDir as backend storage. The sizeLimit value is very important in this case, if database storage exceeds this value, database Pod will be evicted. size for volume is not enforced like this.

Database Access

To access the database from other Pods, you can use acid-test-cluster1 as host (following from the deployment) within the same namespace, port is standard 5432. Username and password is based on the deployment above.

To increase security, one can deploy Network policy to allow network access to database from particular pods only. See Network Policy. External access, i.e., access from public internet, is disabled by default. It is possible to expose the database via Load Balancer though.

Variants Comparison

We did some benchmarks utilizing standard pgbench tool. There were two benchmarks, pgbench -i -s 1000 (Create column) which creates a table with 100M rows – lower value is better, the second pgbench -T 300 -c10 -j20 -r (TPS column) which runs for 5 minutes and result is number of transactions per second – higher value is better.

Low resources means Limits: CPU 0.5, Memory 500MB, Requests: CPU 0.01, Memory 100MB. High resources means Limits: CPU 8, Memory 5000MB, Requests: CPU 1, Memory 1000MB. Extreme resources means Limits and Requests: CPU 16, Memory 32GB.

Fail Safe column denotes whether deployment is resilient to a single node failure meaning data loss will occur if a node fails.

Single Instance

Storage Resources Create TPS Fail Safe
Local SSD Low 628 sec 561 No
Local SSD High 263 sec 6745 No
Local SSD Extreme 244 sec 10567 No
NFS Low 586 sec 602 Yes
NFS High 314 sec 4432 Yes
Ceph RBD Low 2457 sec 142 Yes

Cluster Instances

Storage Resources Create TPS Fail Safe
Local SSD Low 704 sec 460 Yes
Local SSD High 277 sec 6550 Yes
Local SSD Extreme 246 sec 10447 Yes
NFS Low 1027 sec 347 Yes
NFS High 389 sec 2310 Yes

Data Backups

Operator offers automatic backups to S3 storage implemented via cronjobs.



Deploy Errors

  1. If you encounter an error in deployment and want to delete and create again, you must ensure that running instance is deleted before creating again. If you create a new instance too early, the instance will not be ever created and you need to use a different name.

  2. If starting instance encounters error in initContainer (which is disabled by default, so no error should be here), it cannot be deleted via removing the deployment above. You must delete the StatefulSet manually. Also in this case, new deployment with the same name will not be possible most probably. We recommend to use some testing names such as test1, test2 for test deployments to mitigate this issue.

  3. If you run out of quotas during the Cluster deployment, only instances within quotas are deployed. Unfortunately, also in this case you cannot remove/redeploy database using these deployments.

  4. If you run out of sizeLimit, Pods will be evicted, i.e., terminated. TBD: what to do? Update specs?

  5. Local SSD variant is not resilient to whole cluster failure. Data can be lost in this case (e.g., if cluster is restored from backup, local data might not be available). It is strongly recommended to backup regularly.