

Kubernetes orchestrator offers several ways to utilize infrastructure storages. There are three important Kubernetes objects related to storage: Storage Class, Physical Volume (PV), Persistent Volume Claim (PVC).

Storage Class

Storage class provides a way for administrators to describe the “classes” of storage they offer. Different classes might map to quality-of-service levels. We offer the following storage classes:

  1. csi-ceph-rbd-du — storage class backed up by CEPH RBD block volumes from DU CESNET facility. The block volume is formated e.g., as ext4 local file system that can be connected to a single Pod.
  2. nfs-csi — default dynamic class that uses NFS as connection protocol. Dynamic class means that volumes can be created ad-hoc as user requests them.
  3. sshfs — storage class that allows to use SSH protocol to connect to remote node (not necessarily storage node) and provide file system that is connected to a Pod.

The table below describes performance characteristics of each storage class, in addition to these class, we provide CIFS storage characteristics that is also available not through Storage class, see below.

Storage typeRead IOPSWrite IOPSRead LinearWrite Linear
Local SSD98800828001000MiB/s947MiB/s


PV represents physical volume that is responsible for storage connecting. Only administrator can create PV and it is cluster wide resource (not namespaced).


The PVC represents some kind of persistent storage that can be mounted into a pod. PVCs are usually network volumes, e.g., NFS or CIFS/SMB. These kind of PVCs can be mounted to many pods simultaneously thus making it a shared storage among pods.

  • User can create an ad-hoc PVC using pvc.yaml template. Downloading it and filling proper name and storage size and issuing command:
kubectl create -f pvc.yaml -n namespace

where namespace is user namespace as can be seen in Rancher GUI, usually surname-ns. The ad-hoc pod does not contain any data in advance, the user needs to populate the data on his/her own. PVC name is the exactly the same you fill in the name value. User can choose different storage class according to description above.

  • Another option is to create PVC as CIFS storage from CERIT-SC. In such a case, user needs to download secret.yaml, fill in proper name and the following two annotations: cerit.io/storage, cerit.io/share. Those values from the example work for storage-brno12-cerit as they are, they make access to users home directory. For share project folders, cerit.io/share has to be set to: cerit.io/share: 'export/nfs4/projects/project_name'. User also needs to fill in mount_flags. The mount_flags is base64 encoded string that can be obtained using the following command:
echo -n "username=USER,password=PASS,uid=1000,gid=1000,nosetuids,vers=3.11,noserverino" | base64

where USER and PASS are username and password accessing storage-brno12-cerit, resp. In case the USER is UČO, domain=UCN needs to be added into the echo command as another comma separated value, i.e.,

echo -n "username=USER,password=PASS,uid=1000,gid=1000,nosetuids,vers=3.11,noserverino,domain=UCN" | base64

In case, you do not know CIFS password for CERIT-SC storage, just ask for one on [support@cerit-sc.cz](mailto: support@cerit-sc.cz). It is not the same password you use for logging into infrastructure!

Be aware that the base64 encoded string is not encrypted, so keep it secret!

Once the user created secret.yaml file, it needs to be uploaded into Kubernetes via the following command:

kubectl create -f secret.yaml -n namespace

The namespace is the same as in the previous case. PVC name is derived from the name value and will be: pvc-name. In this case, PVC will not be empty, it contains data from your home from storage-brno12-cerit.

  • The last option is to request admins to create special PVC for you according to your needs. You can request it at [k8s@ics.muni.cz](mailto: k8s@ics.muni.cz).

You see your PVCs in Rancher GUI in StoragePersistentVolumeClaims Volumes

Custom PVC Classes

In our infrastructure we provide a few custom PVC storage classes for use with storage services we provide. In this section we list these classes and explain how to use them.


This storage class allows you to access a WebDAV storage. For example some cloud storage providers have this feature. WebDAV accesses file storage via HTTP protocol and is therefore rather slow, if you have a different option to access your data, we would advise to use that for performance sake.

To access a WebDAV storage, you will need:

  • WebDAV URL
  • directory to mount
  • username
  • password

There are 2 ways to provide the password. Either add the password directly to PVC specification (STRONGLY discouraged) or save the password in a secret and then specify the secret name in PVC specification. We will show an example of the second approach.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: my-webdav-secret
  namespace: my-ns
type: Opaque
  password: SuperSecretPassword
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: my-webdav-pvc
  namespace: my-ns
    url: "https://my.webdav.url/remote.php/dav/files/123456789"
    dir: "directory_to_mount"
    user: "my_username"
    passwordSecret: "my-webdav-secret" # this is the name of the secret created a few lines above
  - ReadWriteMany
      storage: 100Gi
  storageClassName: webdav

Replace password, url, dir, user, passwordSecret and all names and namespaces with your values. With this yaml file you should be able to successfuly create a PVC that can be mounted inside your pods.

Ephemeral Storage

Ephemeral kind of storage is allocated from node’s local storage. Allocation is done through resource requests, see resources and through volume mounts.

Ephemeral storage can be allocated from local disk or local memory. If a Pod is evicted or moved to another node, content of ephemeral storage is lost.

Ephemeral storage from local disk:

- name: eph
    sizeLimit: 10Gi
- name: eph
  mountPath: /data

Ephemeral storage from local memory:

- name: mem
    medium: Memory
    sizeLimit: 1Gi
- name: mem
  mountPath: /tmp

In case of local memory, see requirements on memory resources.