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Welcome to the CERIT-SC Kubernetes Container Platform

Discover the power and flexibility of our cutting-edge container platform, built on the robust Kubernetes orchestrator and utilizing Docker container images. Our platform leverages the Rancher Kubernetes distribution, providing an intuitive user interface through the Rancher dashboard.

Platform Highlights

  • Architecture: Built on Linux and x86_64 architecture, with support for NVIDIA GPU accelerators and high-speed SSD storage.
  • Networking: Experience seamless connectivity with InfiniBand 100Gbps and 200Gbps interconnect networks between selected nodes.
  • Versatility: From simple web applications to complex workflow pipelines, our platform supports a wide range of use cases. Explore examples like the hello world example, scipion, or the nextflow workflow pipeline.

User-Centric Design

Our platform empowers users to concentrate on their applications, minimizing the need for infrastructure knowledge. Whether you’re using pre-built applications or creating your own Docker images, our platform simplifies the process.

Access and Eligibility

Access to our platform requires an academic affiliation or a sponsored account. Users can log in via e-INFRA CZ AAI (MetaCenter account), Elixir AAI, or EGI AAI, with no additional membership needed for standard projects with limited resources.

Getting Started

  • Pre-Built Applications: Easily deploy applications through our infrastructure. Check out Rancher Applications (Matlab, Virtual Desktop,…) or Web Applications (Jupyter Notebook, Alphafold/Foldify,…) in the navigation left menu.
  • Docker Image Utilization: Leverage a vast array of Docker images from global registries like hub.docker.com, keeping in mind any limitations.
  • Custom Application Development: Advanced users can create and deploy custom applications. Refer to the dockerfile section for guidance.

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